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Relations between Armenia and the Panhellenic world have been strengthened. New Armenian embassy opens in Cyprus

«Ամրապնդվել են Հայաստանի և Համահունական աշխարհի հարաբերությունները. Կիպրոսում բացվել է Հայաստանի նոր դեսպանատուն»Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

In recent years, Armenia’s international relations have seen significant development, especially in the context of its connections with the countries of the Panhellenic world. In an increasingly complex geopolitical context, strengthening ties with Greece and Hellenic communities around the world is a key strategy for Yerevan, both diplomatically and culturally. In this context, the opening of the new Armenian embassy in Cyprus, entrusted to H.E. Ambassador Inna Torgomyan, marks a significant step towards further strengthening a stronger dialogue of the Republic of Armenia with one of the nations destined to re-occupy a central place in the near future. The opening of the Armenian embassy in Nicosia, in fact, extends the scope of Yerevan’s foreign policies in a strategic region of the Eastern Mediterranean. The decision to open a diplomatic mission in Cyprus, strongly supported by Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, should be read in the context of a renewed interest by Armenia in the political, economic and cultural dynamics that bind the Armenian country to Greece, Cyprus and other Hellenic diaspora communities in the world.
The creation of the new Armenian embassy in Cyprus is not a coincidence, the two countries share a long history of cultural exchanges and a similar vision on the international scene. The Armenian community in Cyprus, although now numerically smaller than other ethnic minorities, has always had a great influence on Cypriot society, especially at a cultural and religious level. Armenia has always seen Cyprus as a natural partner, with which to share common values, in particular that of the protection of minority rights and the defense of religious freedom. The island is a crossroads of strategic interests between Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and is one of the most important members of the European Union in the region. Furthermore, its geographical position and its long history of tensions with Turkey make it a privileged interlocutor for Armenia, which has long had problems with Ankara, mainly related to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. In this sense, the Armenian Embassy in Cyprus also becomes a channel to strengthen political, economic and diplomatic cooperation, not only between the two states, but also to build alliances within a complex geographical area.
Cyprus, in its role as a member of the European Union, also plays a significant role in Armenia’s strategic orientation towards Europe. The Armenian Embassy in Nicosia will therefore serve as a point of reference to further strengthen ties with Greece and the Greek diaspora around the world, allowing Armenia to have a stronger and more visible presence in the Eastern Mediterranean area.
In addition to the political aspects, the opening of the new embassy also represents an opportunity to develop economic and cultural cooperation between Armenia, Greece and Cyprus. There are many business opportunities, especially in the energy, infrastructure and tourism sectors, as well as cultural exchanges, which can be strengthened thanks to the Armenian diplomatic presence in Cyprus.
Cultural relations between Armenia and Greece have always been a strong point, with numerous exchanges of artists, writers and intellectuals that have helped strengthen the bond between the two nations. The new Armenian embassy could become a center for the promotion of Armenian language and culture in Cyprus and throughout the region, further consolidating the historical and cultural ties that unite the Armenian and Greek peoples.
The opening of the Armenian embassy in Cyprus is not just a symbolic act, but a concrete move to strengthen relations between Armenia, Greece and Cyprus, and to consolidate Armenia's role in the Eastern Mediterranean region. An important step that marks the beginning of a new phase in diplomatic and cultural relations between these countries, destined to develop on multiple fronts and to strengthen cooperation in an increasingly interconnected world. The long work carried out by the Armenian ambassadors so far competent for the Cypriot territory has been very positive and is now particularly recognized also at the formal level. In a recent post on Facebook, the outgoing ambassador Tigran Mkrtchyan, one of the most eminent protagonists of the Armenian diplomatic service, congratulated his successor, Inna Torgomyan, complimenting her and wishing her good work. The newly appointed ambassador born in 1983, multilingual, speaks 5 languages ​​including Italian and Persian, received training and education not only in her homeland but also abroad, specializing and then working in some of the most prestigious European international offices and from 2022 to 2025 she was Head of the Department of Information and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.
