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Armenian and Greek American Committees Against Mehmet Oz at the Head of US Public Medical Centers

«Հայ և հունա-ամերիկյան կոմիտեներն ընդդեմ Մեհմեդ Օզի՝ ԱՄՆ հանրային բժշկական կենտրոնների ղեկավարի մոտ». Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Turkish-American known for his Armenian Genocide denial and for being considered by international analysts to be “very close” to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
In a statement announcing Dr. Oz’s selection to lead the agency, Trump said Dr. Oz would work closely with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., his nominee for head of the Department of Health and Human Services, “to address the disease industrial complex and all the horrible chronic diseases that have come from it.”
Trump also noted that Dr. Oz had “won nine Daytime Emmy Awards for hosting ‘The Dr. Oz Show,’ where he taught millions of Americans how to make healthier lifestyle choices.” However, in addition to promoting controversial medical procedures and “unconventional treatments” that have put him in the crosshairs of the medical community and health experts, his ties to Turkey, particularly Erdoğan, have led him to become a seasoned denier of the Armenian Genocide and the genocides committed against the Pontic Greeks and Assyrians.
This situation has prompted the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and in particular its Pennsylvania chapter to form a diverse coalition of Armenians, Greeks, Jews, Kurds and other minorities from historical diasporas, to oppose his candidacy for the United States Senate in 2022.
After the 2022 elections, the ANCA called Dr. Oz’s defeat to John Fetterman “a historic victory.” “With this historic victory, ANCA has protected the U.S. Senate, the people of Pennsylvania, and American democracy from an Armenian Genocide denier with deep ties to the hostile Erdoğan regime in Turkey,” ANCA President Raffi Hamparian said after the 2022 election. “This historic victory was the result of more than a year of strategic planning and tireless community and coalition efforts, ranging from opposition research, voter education, media outreach, get-out-the-vote mobilization, and other targeted election initiatives. We are gratified by Dr. Oz’s defeat,” Hamparian added at the time.
ANCA’s national office, along with its local affiliates in the Eastern Region and Pennsylvania, partnered with the Hellenic American Leadership Council to lead a grassroots campaign to draw attention to Dr. Oz’s genocide denial and his close ties to the Erdoğan regime in Turkey.
In the weeks leading up to the 2022 vote, the ANCA anti-Oz coalition led a series of protests in Pennsylvania and California, highlighting Dr. Oz’s ties to the Turkish government and his persistent refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
