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Positive trend of Armenian foreign policy continues in 2024

articolo di Carlo Coppola apparso in lingua italiana su "La Fiaccola" giornale on line diretto da Paolo Scagliarini.

«Հայաստանի արտաքին քաղաքականության դրական միտումը 2024 թվականին շարունակվում է». Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

The balance of the foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia, as revealed by recent developments, tells of a nation that is trying to build and strengthen its international relations despite the challenges and complexities of the surrounding geopolitical environment.

The context in which Armenia finds itself operating is characterized by a growing pressure of pan-Turkism, which seems to have a negative influence on regional dynamics. However, despite this, Armenia is showing a proactive and peace-oriented attitude, trying to maintain an open dialogue and avoid provocations even in the face of direct attacks on its culture and identity.

In 2024, the normalization of relations with Azerbaijan continues to be a central theme, with Armenia trying to cope with attempts to appropriate its culture and heritage, while actively engaging in improving relations especially with the European Union and the United States.

The news agency “Armenpress” has taken stock of these positive relations by identifying and presenting the most important developments and processes in foreign policy of the year. In listing the most significant facts and innovations in Armenian foreign policy, it is possible to reiterate the interest shown in regional development, in particular in the process of implementing Armenia-Georgia relations. The visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, to neighboring Georgia on January 26, 2024 was marked by several significant acts, including the signing of a declaration on the establishment of a strategic partnership between the two countries, which gave impetus to the already positive high-level relations between the neighboring states.

Among the strengths of foreign policy, Armenia’s entry into the list of countries belonging to the International Criminal Court is recorded. Armenia officially became the 124th signatory state of the Rome Statute. Equally numerous were the meetings of the Armenian authorities with countries considered strategic for European politics and in particular France and Germany, where such processes are discussed and implemented, even to the detriment of other nations.

Among the positive notes, we should also add the meetings of the state commissions on the demarcation of the state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the meetings of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with the Russian authorities including President Vladimir Putin himself, the high-level meetings with the Iranian, US, Greek and Cypriot authorities.
