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Armenia: Former President Levon Ter Petrosyan Responds on Nagorno Karabakh Issue


articolo apparso in lingua italiana su "La Fiaccola" giornale diretto da Paolo Scagliarini 

«Հայաստան. նախկին նախագահ Լևոն Տեր Պետրոսյանը պատասխանում է Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի հիմնախնդրին». Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

Former Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosian is today a lively gentleman who will turn 79 on January 9, 2025. Ter-Petrosian is occasionally invited, especially in recent years, to intervene in the Armenian political debate, particularly in the delicate issue of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Sometimes, rather than an invitation addressed to him, it seems that the political forces want to "pull him", as they say, "by the jacket" and then the shrewd and all too diplomatic, elegant first president of the Republic of Armenia, responds slyly and without being upset with that impeccable dignity that his enormous political experience and his role as Father of the Fatherland give him. Among the latest interventions that have solicited him was the attempt by Prime Minister Nikol Pashnyan.

The first President of Armenia on December 25th published the following text on his Facebook page: “Why should I argue with you, when the subject of the debate, Armenian Artsakh for thousands of years, due to your adventurism, no longer exists and you have nothing to do except desperate attempts to distract our people from this bitter reality? Make all the noise you want. This reality is already a historical fact that cannot be erased. And if, Nikol, you want the public to know the whole truth about the diplomatic process of resolving the Karabakh issue, here is a suggestion: since the mystery surrounding this process has lost its meaning after the fall of Artsakh, officially publish all the peace plans submitted by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs (including those of June 2019) and the official responses of Armenian diplomacy to these plans. Then it will really be a debate based on facts. And if you do not do this, you will once again demonstrate that you are running away from the truth and cowardly trying to evade historical responsibility.”

Let us recall that a few days ago, Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan stated that since 1994, that is, after the ceasefire, the negotiation process has been held only on the return of Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan. He invited all the leaders of the Republic of Armenia since its independence – Levon Ter- Petrossian, Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sarkisyan – to a public debate on the issue. The offices of the three Armenian presidents refused to organize a public debate, advising the Prime Minister to consult the Internet, where all the information on the course and content of the negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has long been publicly available.
