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One year ago, the deportation of Armenians from Artsakh took place by Carlo Coppola

Questo articolo di Carlo Coppola è apparso in lingua italiana sulle riviste Bariconnessa e La Fiaccola

Մեկ տարի առաջ տեղի ունեցավ Արցախի հայերի տեղահանությունը: Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

Exactly one year ago, to be precise on September 19, 2023, following a violent unilateral military attack by Azerbaijan, the entire indigenous population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), consisting of more than 115,000 Armenians who had often lived there for several centuries, had to abandon their homes in a matter of days.

This forced displacement, which was the last stage of the policy of ethnic cleansing, took place during the session of the United Nations General Assembly, when the entire international community gathered once again to discuss the imperative of peaceful resolution of conflicts, the establishment of stability and development, condemning the use of force, the violation of international norms and human rights in different parts of the world. A real challenge to human civilization, in full contempt for human rights, tolerated and often encouraged by the international community. We remember well the deplorable statements of some UN representatives, with the culpable abstentions of others. Such attitudes would have deserved the immediate withdrawal of ambassadors from those countries that in fact showed enmity towards Armenia and towards the human race.

Even with the help of some international partners - who were actually more interested in building housing in Armenia for the displaced than in saving human lives - during the past year, the Armenian government has taken a series of urgent measures. It was a question of having to respond to the primary and medium-term needs of the displaced persons of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). The Republic of Armenia, in addition, has tried to develop the necessary long-term programs.

The high-level discussions of the UN General Assembly will resume next week in New York. The events of the past year demonstrate the importance of urgent efforts to ensure international stability, the implementation of ideas and measures that would allow the establishment of peace. Unfortunately, once again in September, as every year, Azerbaijan threatens to use weapons against the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, in an attempt to demonstrate a number of circumstances: 1) the complete uselessness, they believe, of decisions in the international arena, including the United Nations Assembly; 2) the complete belief that their money (petrodollars) are able to buy everything and everyone, from representatives at the United Nations to politicians and prime ministers of individual nations; 3) The complete impunity of the genocidal actions they have committed over the years, be they genocide against people or destruction of the material and immaterial heritage of Armenia; 4) The continuous creation of fake news to their advantage and the construction of cases of “Armenophobia” related to them.

The position of the Republic of Armenia is, on the other hand, as always aimed at ensuring stability in the South Caucasus. The actions in this regard are clear: immediate establishment and achievement of peace and relations based on respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, with a view to ensuring sustainable development, effective interconnectivity and prosperity in the region. In order to achieve all this, in order not to miss the opportunity available at this time as well as to create a favorable environment for more stable and dignified life possibilities for generations, the Republic of Armenia expects a clear demonstration of political will and commitment to the peace agenda by other actors interested in the same goal from the Azerbaijani side and the United Nations Assembly. Armenia’s expectations after thirty years of conflict at various levels and varying intensities are that a miracle will happen, perhaps even contrary to the unwritten rules of “Geo-politics” itself.


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