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The Synod of Armenian Catholic Bishops began today in the Bzommar Monastery by Carlo Coppola

Questo articolo di Carlo Coppola è apparso in lingua italiana sulle riviste Bariconnessa e La Fiaccola

Այսօր Բզոմմարի վանքում մեկնարկեց Հայ Կաթողիկե եպիսկոպոսների Սինոդը: Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

The Synod of Bishops of the Armenian Catholic Church convened from 9 to 12 September 2024, began this morning in the Patriarchal See of Bzommar, Lebanon. It is presided over as always by His Beatitude Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian, Catholicos Patriarch of the Armenian Catholics of Cilicia and sees the participation of the Archbishops and Bishops from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, France, the United States and Iraq. The synodal activities began with the Divine Liturgy, at 7:30 in the morning, presided over by the Patriarch, in the Church of the Monastery of Our Lady of Bzommar.

After having examined the ecclesiastical, pastoral, canonical and social issues relating to the Armenian Catholic Church and the community, the synod fathers proceeded to the elections of some top figures of the Armenian Catholic Church. In particular, the posts left vacant after some recent episcopal appointments.

During the three days of the Synod, the bishops will also be informed about the latest developments in the canonization process of Blessed Gomidas Kaumurdjian (Keumurgian) and Blessed Ignatios Maloyan, considered symbols of faith and sacrifice in the Armenian Catholic Church, considered since its foundation the Martyr Church of the Confessor of the Faith par excellence. The first, also known as Cosmas from Carboniano, lived and died in Constantinople between 1656 and 1707. He should not be confused with the archimandrite and martyr of the Armenian genocide,  Komitas Vartabed (Soghomon Soghomonian), a musicologist and composer, singer and choir director. Blessed Gomidas, father of seven children, joined Catholicism with his family. He carried out an intense apostolate among his compatriots for the union of the Armenian and Roman Apostolic Churches. Gomidas was accused by the Ottoman authorities of having provoked riots and was beheaded. He was beatified as a martyr in 1929. Blessed Maloyan was born in Mardin in 1869 and on October 22, 1911, during the Synod of the Ameni Bishops gathered in Rome, he was elected Archbishop of his hometown. On June 11, 1915, after refusing to convert to Islam, he was killed with a gunshot to the back of the head with many faithful of the diocese in the context of the Armenian Genocide.

Furthermore, next September 12, at the end of the Synod of Armenian Catholic Bishops, again in Lebanon in the Martyrs' Square of Beirut, the ceremony of welcoming the body of the Servant of God Card. Aghagianian will take place, which will be transferred from Rome, where he currently rests in the Church of San Nicola da Tolentino in the Sallustian Gardens. The event, of exceptional importance, will take place in the midst of a large national celebration with official participation of the state authorities and the Lebanese people, in appreciation for the great role played by Cardinal and Patriarch Krikor Bedros XV Aghagianian in favor of the people of Lebanon. In addition, on September 21, many Synod Fathers will be in Rome to participate in the Episcopal Ordination of MSGR. Kevork Noradounguian appointed Ordinary for the Armenian Catholics of Eastern Europe, who is assigned the titular Archbishopric of Sebaste of the Armenians.


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