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The Relics of Cardinal and Patriarch Agagianian transferred to Lebanon to give hope to the martyred people

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Կարդինալ և պատրիարք Աղագյանյանի աճյունը տեղափոխվեց Լիբանան՝ հուսադրելու տանջված ժողովրդին: Կառլո Կոպպոլայի հոդված.

The Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia announced during a press conference held yesterday, August 13, 2024, that the mortal remains of Cardinal Gregory Peter XV Agagianian (Aghajanian) will soon be transferred to Lebanon.

The Auxiliary Bishop of the Armenian Catholic Diocese of Beirut, H.E. Bishop Krikor Badichah, announced this while speaking on behalf of the Patriarchate, expressing joy and pride for the return of a symbol for Lebanon, described as a national icon.

H.E. Bishop Badichah announced that on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., the Martyrs' Square in Beirut will host a solemn ceremony to honor the arrival of the remains of Cardinal Agagianian. "It will be an occasion to unite Lebanese people of all religious denominations; a moment that reflects the depth of our faith and national unity. The ceremony will be presided over by the Armenian Catholic Patriarch of Cilicia His Beatitude Catholicos Raphael Bedros XXI Minassian and will be attended by religious leaders, politicians and representatives of local society, along with members of the Armenian Catholic community and all Lebanese who recognize the human and spiritual value of Cardinal Aghajanian," he added.

Then, the remains of Cardinal Agagianian will be carried in procession to the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator and St. Elias, located in Al-Dabbas Square.

H.E. Mgr. Badichah recalled that on October 28, 2022, the process of beatification and canonization of Cardinal Aghajanian began in Rome, a journey of honor for a person who dedicated his life to the service of God and the Nation. We welcome his body, which has arrived from the Eternal City of Rome to the Land of the Saints, Lebanon, to confer eternal rest in the Cathedral of Saint Gregory and Saint Elias." The high prelate recalled that it is not "just a religious event", but that this translation represents "the incarnation of the national spirit and unity of the Lebanese, regardless of their religious differences". "We celebrate a man who dedicated his life to the service of our nation and the Church, holding positions of great responsibility, including that of Prefect of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, and participating in the conclaves that elected Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI. His work was similar to that of the recently beatified Patriarch al-Duwaihy, both were beacons of light and faith who contributed significantly to the Church and the country".

H.E. Mgr. Badichah concluded: "Cardinal Aghajanian left a legacy of faith, love and humility, expressing his desire to live and die as an obedient son of the Catholic Church and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Even after his passing on May 16, 1971, his memory continues to live in the hearts of believers, who feel close to God thanks to his intercession. His historical contribution to Lebanon is unparalleled; he supported the weakest and worked to bring together the different sensibilities of the Lebanese population. He was a model of morality, generosity and humility, leaving an indelible mark on all those who had the privilege of knowing him".

The bishop, on behalf of the Patrairkate, then invited everyone to participate in this national and spiritual celebration, hoping that it may represent an opportunity to promote values ​​of unity, tolerance and coexistence in our beloved country, so that the legacy of faith and love of Cardinal Aghajanian may inspire future generations. "We thank everyone and eagerly await a large participation in this historic event".


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